Welcome to ITERATIONS and company!

Hello! This is the website for Iterations, a worldbuilding project that is a massive work-in-progress. There's also a collection of other stuff, such as non-Iterations writing and information about the webmasters.

This site does not use javascript. It might in the future, but only for non-essential purposes.


I want to see the other stuff

4 February 2024. Added the Credits page. Made minor changes to the iframe's CSS; if you were seeing a border before, it should be gone now.

3 February 2024. Added a footer to the ITERATIONS pages, added the Worlds page, and changed the date on the previous update because it was not January of 2023, it was January of 2024.

6 January 2024. Added the index for ITERATIONS and CSS for those pages.

17 December 2023. Rewrote this page and CSS.